9781937541439 • 64pp • 6 × 8.75” • 2018
"Tara understands the language of comics fully. Her stories slide past the analytical part of the brain and directly into a deeper, more gratifying kind of understanding. Her bright colors bring joy and humor to the heaviest, darkest follies hidden inside ourselves." —Gabrielle Bell, author of Everything is Flammable
"As an artist, Booth works to push the boundaries between comic arts and fine art, and she lives up to no standards of appropriateness other than her own. Her social commentary is sharp and her visual storytelling unassuming." —Megan St Clair, Hyperallergic
"Comic book artist and illustrator Tara Booth’s work is candid, funny and chock full of personal details. The textures and patterns she achieves using gouache paint give her work a wonderfully awkward tone and she brings her characters to life through short vignettes that unfold on the page." —Rebecca Fulleylove, It's Nice That
Imagine Alice in Wonderland as a 20 something freelancer and you're part way there. Bad dates, Netflix, roommates. Unable to sleep, Tara takes too much sleep medication. Dreams, hallucinations, and cake.