Someone Please Have Sex With Me | Gina Wynbrandt
9781937541170 • 140pp • 5.1 × 6.5” • 2016
"It’s impossible not to fall in love with this hilarious minx as she lunges across the page, nostrils flared, hurling herself into increasingly ridiculous romantic misadventures. Bow down to Gina as she explores what it means to be horny as hell!" —Lisa Hanawalt
"An intense, weird, vulnerable dive into the underbelly of young adulthood."—Paste Magazine
"Absurdly honest." —The Globe and Mail
"Gina isn’t cardboard. She is equal parts bravado and self-doubt, raging id and little girl, a figure you want to throttle but also hold close." —Los Angeles Times
"The blackest humor here lies in the chasm between theory and practice: desperation spirals, the grotesquerie of her drawings increases." —The Comics Journal
"Wynbrandt is a force of nature as a cartoonist, evincing a fully-formed toolbox of drawing and storytelling skills, a razor-sharp sense of humor, and (contrary to the image she portrays) a powerfully developed sense of self." —Rob Clough
"A diverse set of whirlwind narratives, uniting unconventional beauty tropes, celebrity stalking, internet culture, and even bestiality." —Hyperallergic
"A fascinating and irreverent take on what it’s really like to be an unconventional woman with real physical needs in a world where highly prescribed expectations of femininity and sexuality are still too prevalent." —Fusion
"Someone Please Have Sex With Me plays with conventions of style and color, featuring pleasingly feminine sherbet-y tones juxtaposed against a story line about a woman looking for love in all the wrong places — in all the wrong ways." —Los Angeles Times
"How would you explain your relationship with these teen heartthrobs?" —Chicagoist
"How’s your relationship with the Biebs now?" —Paste Magazine
"Talk a little about “Manhunt,” the book’s new story, which is about a fictional video game. Why did you decide on that approach?" —CBR
"Smart, wickedly funny, and transgressive. More comics like this, please!" —John Porcellino

East District | Ash H.G.
La Poderosa 1 | Powerpaola
Egirl Magazine 1 | Katherine Dee
Nuie | nuie
Altcomics Magazine 1
Altcomics Magazine 2
Altcomics Magazine 3
Altcomics Magazine 4
Altcomics Magazine 5
Altcomics Magazine 6
Compact Magazine
Deep in the Woods | Noah Van Sciver, Nic Breutzman
Little Heart
Mirror Mirror 1 | Blaise Larmee
Mirror Mirror 2 | Sean T. Collins, Julia Gfrörer
Mirror Mirror 3 | Plum
Motherlover | Raighne
Gustave Flaubert Trois Contes | Christopher Adams
Strong Eye Contact | Christopher Adams
Yule Log | Christopher Adams
The Necrophilic Landscape | Tracy Auch
Röhner | Max Baitinger
Vanishing Perspective | Alexis Beauclair
Cavities & Crevices | Archie Bongiovani
Out of Hollow Water | Archie Bongiovanni
Nocturne | Tara Booth
Yearbooks | Nicholas Breutzman
ITDN | Andrew Burkholder
Qviet | Andrew Burkholder
A Tunnel to Another Place | Apolo Cacho
Rudy | Mark Connery
Rudy zine | Mark Connery
An Honest Performance | Will Dinski
Trying Not To Notice | Will Dinski
Gulag Casual | Austin English
Sec | Margot Ferrick
Yours | Margot Ferrick
Prizon Food part 1 | Joseph Gillette, Eric Schuster
Prizon Food part 2 | Joseph Gillette, Eric Schuster
Salz and Pfeffer | Emilie Gleason
Lost in the Fun Zone | Leif Goldberg
Parc | Jul Gordon
Drone | Simon Hanselmann
Detrimental Information | John + Luke Holden
Fluorescent Mud | Eli Howey
Arthur Turnkey 1 | Toby Jones
Architecture of an Atom | Juliacks
Frozengirl | Iku Kawaguchi
Copy Kitty | Kyung-Me
3 Books | Blaise Larmee
2001 | Blaise Larmee
Comets Comets | Blaise Larmee
Dragon's Breath | MariNaomi
It Felt Like Nothing | Fifi Martinez
Sprawling Heart | Sab Meynert
How it Happened | Jason T. Miles
Well Come by Erik Nebel
100 | nou
Retreat | Jaakko Pallasvuo
Perfect Hair | Tommi Parrish
Virus Tropical | Powerpaola
I Don't Hate Your Guts | Noah Van Sciver
Wander Maunder | Justin Skarhus
Things You Carry | Vincent Stall
Extended Play | Jake Terrell
Summer Carnival | Jake Terrell
Startled Maggie | Maggie Umber
Sound of Snow Falling | Maggie Umber
The Necrophilic Landscape | Morgan Vogel
Someone Please Have Sex With Me | Gina Wynbrandt