Mirror Mirror 1 | Blaise Larmee
9781937541200 • 192pp • 6.93 × 9.84” • 2016
"I loved this collection." —Sam Alden
"anthology of curious, evasive quality"
an exhibition of 10 artists in print
Tracy Auch — Nou — Andrea Bjürstrom — Leslie Weibeler — Caroline Hennessy — Nicholas Verstraeten — Katherine Poe — Margot Ferrick — Connor Willumsen — Leomi Sadler
April, 2016
edited by Blaise Larmee

East District | Ash H.G.
La Poderosa 1 | Powerpaola
egirl 001 | Katherine Dee
Nuie | nuie
Altcomics Magazine 1
Altcomics Magazine 2
Altcomics Magazine 3
Altcomics Magazine 4
Altcomics Magazine 5
Altcomics Magazine 6
Compact Magazine
Deep in the Woods | Noah Van Sciver, Nic Breutzman
Little Heart
Mirror Mirror 1 | Blaise Larmee
Mirror Mirror 2 | Sean T. Collins, Julia Gfrörer
Mirror Mirror 3 | Plum
Motherlover | Raighne
Gustave Flaubert Trois Contes | Christopher Adams
Strong Eye Contact | Christopher Adams
Yule Log | Christopher Adams
The Necrophilic Landscape | Tracy Auch
Röhner | Max Baitinger
Vanishing Perspective | Alexis Beauclair
Cavities & Crevices | Archie Bongiovani
Out of Hollow Water | Archie Bongiovanni
Nocturne | Tara Booth
Yearbooks | Nicholas Breutzman
ITDN | Andrew Burkholder
Qviet | Andrew Burkholder
A Tunnel to Another Place | Apolo Cacho
Rudy | Mark Connery
Rudy zine | Mark Connery
An Honest Performance | Will Dinski
Trying Not To Notice | Will Dinski
Gulag Casual | Austin English
Sec | Margot Ferrick
Yours | Margot Ferrick
Salz and Pfeffer | Emilie Gleason
Lost in the Fun Zone | Leif Goldberg
Parc | Jul Gordon
Drone | Simon Hanselmann
Detrimental Information | John + Luke Holden
Fluorescent Mud | Eli Howey
Arthur Turnkey 1 | Toby Jones
Architecture of an Atom | Juliacks
Frozengirl | Iku Kawaguchi
Copy Kitty | Kyung-Me
3 Books | Blaise Larmee
2001 | Blaise Larmee
Comets Comets | Blaise Larmee
Dragon's Breath | MariNaomi
It Felt Like Nothing | Fifi Martinez
Sprawling Heart | Sab Meynert
How it Happened | Jason T. Miles
Well Come by Erik Nebel
100 | nou
Retreat | Jaakko Pallasvuo
Perfect Hair | Tommi Parrish
Virus Tropical | Powerpaola
I Don't Hate Your Guts | Noah Van Sciver
Wander Maunder | Justin Skarhus
Things You Carry | Vincent Stall
Extended Play | Jake Terrell
Summer Carnival | Jake Terrell
Startled Maggie | Maggie Umber
Sound of Snow Falling | Maggie Umber
The Necrophilic Landscape | Morgan Vogel
Someone Please Have Sex With Me | Gina Wynbrandt