Lost in the Fun Zone | Leif Goldberg


9781937541408 • 184pp • 8 × 5.1”• 2018

"I think Leif Goldberg made Lost in the Fun Zone using automatic writing—after absorbing all art of the twentieth century and comics from the past forty years. How else do you get Dubuffet, synthetic cubism, Garfield, Italian Futurism, Luis Buñuel, and Gary Panter in a story about two cats traveling a digressive and banal path to nowhere? It's boldly weird. Goldberg has hijacked the comics form, for its benefit and ours." —Nicole Rudick, Managing Editor at The Paris Review

"Alleluia!!! Our favorite Artist has made a Graphic novel unlike any other. Going Commando in Black'n'White Rodeo style, the better to spin his lasso spiderweb of narrative, Goldberg performs the great trick of steering time neatly down two railroad tracks. A metamorphosis per page, at the speed of synapses sprouting digression radicles... This story echoes, spins, and convulses with a thousand sweaty puns- you will laff on the bus, in the bathroom, and at Harvard. Truly unlike no other artist in the galaxy (Borblefluzz is related).... Do you want to understand the world by walking through a pumpkin? Is your favorite drug Funny Animals?... Well then get "Get Lost"!!!! To Find Yourself!! in the Fun Zone!!!" —Matthew Thurber

Lost in the Fun Zone is the long-awaited debut graphic novel from respected underground printmaker, animator, musician, and zinemaker Leif Goldberg. Transposing buddy and road film dynamics into the world of underground art comics, Goldberg adroitly balances absurdism with cultural snark and art history commentary to produce a book worthy of its name.

Leif Goldberg is a visual artist and musician living in Vermont. As a member of the highly influential art-collective Fort Thunder based in Providence, RI in the late 1990's and early 2000's, Goldberg is known for his bold screenprint work as well as experimental animation and contributions to the band Forcefield, who were part of the 2002 Whitney Biennial.


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