Mirror Mirror 3 | Plum



9781937541514 • 108pp • 6 × 8” • 2018

"This is not a comics anthology that just compiles various contributions by different artists but rather one that can only exist as one piece, one that was created by three parts of one body with a shared vision. These stories don’t make you see the individual artists behind them — these stories want to tell you that they created themselves and will keep recreating even after you put the book down. A living organism of the most convincing examples that show how masterful and unpretentiously poetic comics can be." —Aisha Franz, author of Shit is Real 

"Lush dancing forms in kaleidoscopic color and style, Mirror Mirror 3 is animated, playful and delicious. A collection of delightfully joyous work vibrating with creative vigor. An ornate dream box of beautifully wrapped candies you've never tried before." —Lale Westvind, author of Grip 


Mirror Mirror 3 is a vibrant maelstrom of mixed media, arriving at a stunning intersection of innocence, joy, and color. 

The third volume of 2dcloud’s flagship anthology is created in partnership with Plum, a Brooklyn-based artist collective and publisher. This volume of the anthology series is divided into three sections, one by each of the Plum artists, with collaborative work connecting the stories. Themes throughout include nature, introspection and interpersonal relationships. Plum’s imagery is vibrant, emotive, and mythic. 

Plum Press is a small press located in Brooklyn, NY. They publish comics, zines and other printed materials and products. They host events and work in a variety of media. Plum is run by Haejin Park, Paige Mehrer, Sophie Page.


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