9781937541088 • 240 pp • 6.25 × 8" • 2014
Edited and Designed by Marc Bell
Foreword by Samuel Andreyev
"Rudy is the best." —John Porcellino, author of King-Cat
"Intuitive and spontaneous rather than practiced and formalistic,[these] hilarious, doodled-in-a-notebook-style comics emerge triumphantly from the id." —The Comics Journal
"A comedic timing worthy of Bushmiller has been transplanted into an anarchist scratch-scape… I LOVE RUDY!" —Matthew Thurber, author of Art Comic
"After reading Rudy, my brain began to rewrite itself... Connery inverted my artistic values..." —Jim Munroe, author of Sword of My Mouth, and Therefore Repent
"When I first saw his work it felt truly and completely new. And the funny thing is, reading the material in this book over a decade later, it still feels that way." —Anders Nilsen, author of Tongues, and Big Questions
Rudy, a collection spanning over 20 years of comics and zines by Mark Connery. A delightfully strange, funny, and metaphysical trip. Pants-wearing fish, shape-shifting triangles, talking eyeballs, rude ugly duckling youths, and of course our titular magic cat, Rudy, Connery’s absurdist irreverence permeates his work. With the turn of every page, Rudy beats with a poet’s heart. Words alone cannot capture the magic that is Rudy. It must be read to be believed!